Friday, October 30, 2009

Website Update

We've got the ball rolling on creating our Michigan sports website and we've been working on articles for when we go live with the site. The service we used for our website,, seems to be a fairly managable hosting site. It has tools for building the website, as well as being able to use traditional HTML code. I'm not all that knowledgable on the the process of building a website, but after we've been using, it seems like a legitimate hosting service. It's $45 for a year subscription, which is a decent price compared to some hosting services we looked at. So if anyone is looking for a hosting service, I'd say take a look at fatcow. Other than that, our project is starting to get rolling with our website design and producing content.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Can Journalism Survive?

As a journalism student, I grow uneasy in each passing week. It seems that at least one newspaper a week has been closing down their operations during this recession. As someone who once dreamed of covering the Super Bowl for ESPN, I find myself wondering if I'll be able to land a job covering high school football. But despite the gloomy forecast predicted by the oh-so-knowledgeable pundits, I feel that the field of journalism will emerge from these trying times as a stronger discipline than ever before. After reading the article by Poynter, I find myself feeling a little more optimistic about my chances in the job market. Poynter voiced the message that many in the journalism field have gotten behind; once we figure out how to use the internet and social networking to our advantage, there are endless possibilities in regards to building the industry back up. Let's just hope that the industry perks back up after next school year.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Nobel Prizes and Web Hosting

The project has been going smoothly in this planning stage. We're trying to figure out how we're going to host our sports website and I'm not reall well-versed in the world of hosting a website. But I think we'll be able to find a managable option. Besides trying to figure out the project, I was also trying to figure out how President Obama was able to earn a Nobel Peace Prize. I don't hate the guy by any means, but I think it's a tad too much. This guy gets treated like a savior of our ,but yet we still haven't seen much in the production department. I know recessions come and go, but I can't help but think about the overwhelming debt my generation will be responsible for paying on. With that said, off of my soapbox I go.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Who the hell is TED?

After i visted the site, I was somewhat surprised. I didn't know there was a place to post intelligent video on the internet. Now don't get me wrong, i'm not a hater of youtube. I, like anyone else, enjoy watching stupid people engaging in stupid activity for my entertainment. But are we not dumbing ourselves down view by view? I think it's refreshing that there is a place where you can go to see videos that may just enhance your intelligence. I think the specific topic in the video that I watched on Ted was quite informative. I think the aspect of using twitter and other online services in to bypass opressive governements could be useful for individuals. Although i believe twitter is the most usless shit on the world, i think it can be an outlet for the people in this repressive countries. Posting updates about a war in your country is important, posting updates every ten min about where you're shopping is not. So now, I have a place to look for informative video. When i'm looking for some informative speak, i'm going to ted.But if i'm looking for a guy getting hit in the crotch, youtube is still there for me.