Sunday, October 11, 2009

Nobel Prizes and Web Hosting

The project has been going smoothly in this planning stage. We're trying to figure out how we're going to host our sports website and I'm not reall well-versed in the world of hosting a website. But I think we'll be able to find a managable option. Besides trying to figure out the project, I was also trying to figure out how President Obama was able to earn a Nobel Peace Prize. I don't hate the guy by any means, but I think it's a tad too much. This guy gets treated like a savior of our ,but yet we still haven't seen much in the production department. I know recessions come and go, but I can't help but think about the overwhelming debt my generation will be responsible for paying on. With that said, off of my soapbox I go.

1 comment:

  1. There is a lot of speculation about this. Interesting topic. I wonder if the selection committee was trying to influence his future actions?
